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Thursday, December 17, 2009

National Precinct Activists of Alabama

Please consider this as your personal invitation to join a grassroots movement of concerned citizens who are involving themselves in a proactively constructive way to restore and preserve our American heritage. To this end we have created a Web Site at http://NationalPrecinctActivists.com/
This Group is devoted to discussions among concerned Americans about how to participate in the Precinct System in the major party of their choice in their own Precinct and County -- with a view to mobilizing Americans to restore the true freedoms enumerated in our Bill of Rights and US Constitution.

We hope that as many concerned Alabamians as possible will become actively involved in the political process by becoming a Precinct Executive in their own neighborhood precinct. Then, when established, the precinct executives will go to the COUNTY meeting of THEIR party in their own county -- and VOTE on who the Party leaders will be for the next 2 years.

This Group is a state wide vehicle and part of a nationwide movement. If you are not in this State and you wish to join our movement go to http://nationalprecinctactivists.com/ to find your state and join.

If you have not already filled out an on line form to learn how to become a Precinct Activist, please do so now, go to http://nationalprecinctactivists.com/ click on your state and fill out a form and please consider becoming a State or County Coordinator. If you fill out the Coordinator form there is no need to fill out the committeeman form.

This is the best and most constitutional way to take back our nation and our future.


Thank you.

Woody Wood
Alabama Coordinator