But Will We??????
Posted By: Thom Raine |
Conservative Christian & Constitutional Political Views from Mind and Spirit of Woody Wood and others.
Posted By: Thom Raine |
I have been told on a number of occasions by friends and associates that I need to “Chill Out”! These folks contend that I am too serious about the “political situation” in our nation and indeed, in the world. These folks are correct in their presumption that I am VERY serious about our local, national and international socio-political situation. Am I TOO serious??? I think not. I do not believe that one can be TOO serious when the freedom of an entire nation is in jeopardy. Make no mistake about it,,, THE FREEDOM AND LIBERTIES WE ENJOY IN THIS CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC ARE IN JEOPARDY! If you are not aware of this fact, you must have been living on some other planet for the last several years. Can we do something about that situation? Yes we can.
This is not a new problem, but certainly one that has escalated in intensity over the past eight and a half years. I have recently coined a quote which I believe summarizes the problem and cries out for action.
“The NWO (
Historians tell us that there has been a group of Globalists who have sought to achieve a One World Government since before the
It is obvious that we as individuals cannot overpower those mega-millionaires who conspire to control the entire world. The best we can hope to do is raise the awareness of the public to the seriousness of their plan. If we can educate and activate a small but dedicated percentage of the people to rise up and speak out against this power hungry throng of Insiders, we can turn the tide. The dark, underhanded tactics of such men (groups) will not withstand exposure to the bright light of public opinion. We MUST Educate and inform ourselves and others in order to expose this treasonous plot (some dare call it Conspiracy) to rule
This brings me back to my original point; “I do not believe that one can be TOO serious when the freedom of an entire nation is in jeopardy.” When Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Monroe and others were forming this great Constitutional Republic, do you suppose they had nay sayers and detractors who thought that they were “too serious” about what they were doing? Possibly so, but I would tend to believe that the rank and file American at that time was so dedicated to the cause of escaping the dictatorial powers of a King, that they were glad to serve and to support and to do WHATEVER it took to achieve freedom. My greatest fear is that today the complacent American has abandoned that fierce love of freedom and liberty that his forefathers had. It is very distressing to try to educate and activate people who either (A) no longer care about their freedom or (B) believe that “everything will turn out OK” without their effort.
I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO RAISE THE RED FLAG ANY HIGHER OR SHOUT THE ALARM ANY LOUDER!!!! WE ARE HEADED OVER THE CLIFF TOWARD CERFDOM AND SLAVERY! If we as free Americans don’t act soon, we will pass a point of no return. We have lost more freedom and incurred more debt since January 20, 2009 than at ALL other times in the history of our nation combined. As one physicist put it, we are rapidly reaching CRITICAL MASS. That is when the chain reaction occurs which cannot be stopped that will lead our Nation and even the World into a planned One World Government or New World Order, which has been carefully orchestrated over many years. IT IS ALL ABOUT POWER AND CONTROL!
I for one, do not choose to be controlled by a group of arrogant, wealthy, potbellied bankers who are on a self anointed, self appointed power trip. Perhaps they are appointed by satan himself, but that is all the more reason to come against their diabolical plot. Am I TOO Serious??? I think not, but I assure all who will listen that I do not want to be placed in the same concentration camp with those Pseudo-Americans who deliberately choose to do nothing (to fiddle while
Join the cause to help save our once great nation. Call me at 251-656-2363 or E-Mail me at woody@commtotal.com . Join our Facebook Group God Bless
By: Woody Wood
"The NWO (New World Order) is the ultimate goal of those who conspire to control the world and ALL else is just a smoke screen or a diversionary tactic!"
In front of a run-down shack in north Houston, federal agents step from a government sedan into 102-degree heat and face a critical question: How can the woman living here buy four high-end handguns in one day?
The house is worth $35,000. A screen dangles by a wall-unit air conditioner. Porch swing slats are smashed, the smattering of grass is flattened by cars and burned yellow by sun.
“I’ll do the talking on this one,” agent Tim Sloan, of South Carolina, told partner Brian Tumiel, of New York.
Success on the front lines of a government blitz on gunrunners supplying Mexican drug cartels with Houston weaponry hinges on logging heavy miles and knocking on countless doors. Dozens of agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives — sent here from around the country — are needed to follow what ATF acting director Kenneth Melson described as a “massive number of investigative leads.”
All told, Mexican officials in 2008 asked federal agents to trace the origins of more than 7,500 firearms recovered at crime scenes in Mexico. Most of them were traced back to Texas, California and Arizona.
Among other things, the agents are combing neighborhoods and asking people about suspicious purchases as well as seeking explanations as to how their guns ended up used in murders, kidnappings and other crimes in Mexico.
“Ever turning up the heat on cartels, our law enforcement and military partners in the government of Mexico have been working more closely with the ATF by sharing information and intelligence,” Melson said Tuesday during a firearms-trafficking summit in New Mexico.
The ATF recently dispatched 100 veteran agents to its Houston division, which reaches to the border.
The mission is especially challenging because, officials say, that while Houston is the number one point of origin for weapons traced back to the United States from Mexico, the government can’t compile databases on gun owners under federal law.
Agents instead review firearms dealers’ records in person.
People who are legally in the United States and have clean criminal records, but are facing economic problems are often recruited by traffickers to buy weapons on their behalf in order to shield themselves from scrutiny.
Knocks at the door of the shack that looked to be the definition of hard times went unanswered.
“I am out of here,” Sloan said a few moments later, as a pit bull lazily sauntered from the back yard. “I don’t like pit bulls walking up behind me.”
On second thought, Sloan switched to Spanish and interviewed a neighbor.
The neighbor said the woman left a month ago after a fight with her husband or boyfriend, who still lived there with what she called “other degenerates.”
“An angry ex-girlfriend or wife is the best person in the world, the greatest source of information,” Sloan said.
The night before, the duo were in a stakeout where they watched a weapons sale.
They also combined efforts with the Drug Enforcement Administration for an aircraft to stealthily follow traffickers to the border.
On this day, agents weren’t wearing raid jackets or combat boots and weren’t armed with warrants.
Guns were hidden under civilian shirts.
Another tip took agents on a 30-minute drive from the shack to a sprawling home with a pool in the back and an American flag out front.
It turned out two handguns, of a type drug gangsters prefer, were bought by a pastor for target practice.
Some stories, they say, are hard to believe.
The lamest so far came from a police officer: He said he bought a few military-style rifles, left them in his car and — on the same night — forgot to lock a door. He couldn’t explain why he didn’t file a police report or why he visited Mexico the day after the alleged theft.