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Thursday, December 17, 2009

National Precinct Activists of Alabama

Please consider this as your personal invitation to join a grassroots movement of concerned citizens who are involving themselves in a proactively constructive way to restore and preserve our American heritage. To this end we have created a Web Site at http://NationalPrecinctActivists.com/
This Group is devoted to discussions among concerned Americans about how to participate in the Precinct System in the major party of their choice in their own Precinct and County -- with a view to mobilizing Americans to restore the true freedoms enumerated in our Bill of Rights and US Constitution.

We hope that as many concerned Alabamians as possible will become actively involved in the political process by becoming a Precinct Executive in their own neighborhood precinct. Then, when established, the precinct executives will go to the COUNTY meeting of THEIR party in their own county -- and VOTE on who the Party leaders will be for the next 2 years.

This Group is a state wide vehicle and part of a nationwide movement. If you are not in this State and you wish to join our movement go to http://nationalprecinctactivists.com/ to find your state and join.

If you have not already filled out an on line form to learn how to become a Precinct Activist, please do so now, go to http://nationalprecinctactivists.com/ click on your state and fill out a form and please consider becoming a State or County Coordinator. If you fill out the Coordinator form there is no need to fill out the committeeman form.

This is the best and most constitutional way to take back our nation and our future.


Thank you.

Woody Wood
Alabama Coordinator

Friday, November 27, 2009


By Selena Owens
November 27, 2009 NewsWithViews.com

To be sure, Conservatism is the very heart and soul of America’s principles and values. At the inception of this great country, fearless men and women heartily espoused moral truths and courageously established a land that celebrated not only liberty and freedom, but one that also engrained a moral compass in the hearts and mind of it citizenry more commonly referred to as Conservatism.

America was not established on a song and a dance; thousands of men forfeited their lives on General Washington’s bloody battlefield. Amid horrific conditions and the scarcity of supplies to the point of our revolutionary soldiers boiling leather boots for food, these men fought with a passion for a free and moral land, and women sacrificially lived their lives apart from their husbands, fathers and brothers. Together, they persevered against innumerable and unrealistic odds to ensure a life of independence for themselves, and a legacy of liberty for future generations. The battle was indeed, hard and long, yet, in the end, Conservatism won.

America is not yet 250 years old, however, government domination and moral depravity is rearing its ugly head in the land of the free and home of the brave. As a society, we often find ourselves entangled in civil, social, moral, and governmental issues on an almost constant basis that unabashedly mock our conservative roots. Battles rage on every front: in the schools, at the marriage altars, inside abortion clinics, and in the White House. Provoked and prodded by a government agenda that reeks of socialism, we must elect to rise to the occasion and proliferate Conservatism in every sector of life. There is, quite simply, no other answer for those who desire to build on the conservative foundation of their revolutionary forefathers and mothers. It is time to engage.

Simply put, we cannot afford to be faint of heart at this critical time. America stands at a pivotal point in her young life. The blood of soldiers and tears of women and children both past and present are deserving of our courage to once again fight forward—in addition to fighting back—to preserve the ideals that we know work. Our children, as well as future generations depend on us to pervade truth and liberty wherever deceit and bondage seek to have a foothold. Make no mistake—this battle will require courage and boldness on the part of the average citizen who believes in the defense of conservative values. Without a doubt, we should be conservative in lifestyle, but in defense of our freedoms and liberties, ultimate bravado is what’s called for in this hour.

It is on this premise that I want to encourage conservatives to stand for their beliefs with the strength that God provides. Certainly, any battle that we find ourselves engaged in, any stance for liberty and freedom that we undertake, and each core American value that we know is fundamentally correct and beneficial for society at large, can only be upheld by our decision to always be courageous, which is made possible by the truth of God’s word.

Naturally, there will be battles that we will have to face, however, if we place our hope and trust in God, we will not faint. His word assures us:

Isaiah 40:31- “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

I am encouraged by these words: “Soar on wings like eagles; … run and not grow weary, … walk and not be faint.”

From each viewpoint, whether soaring, running or walking, the promise given us by God is that we will not be defeated. This guarantee serves as a great source of hope and encouragement not only to obtain victory, but more importantly, to withstand the battle and be assured that we will not grow weary and faint. In other words, we will not give up because we have hope.

Conservatism is not for the faint of heart.

Never has been.

Thus, our confidence must be substantiated on the promise of Scripture for those who hope in God. This is the assurance we have that we will not be faint of heart.

© 2009 Selena Owens - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, November 22, 2009



This opportunity will not be available to us again until 2012 we have about a six month window

TIME INVESTMENT about 40 hours a year

All 435 congressional seats are up for election
1/3rd of the senate seats are up for election
All 300,000 committeeman seats for each party are up for election

1 month latter the committeemen elect the 3141 county leaders [have the power to appoint]
1 month latter the 3141 county leaders elect the 50 State party leaders
1 month latter the 50 State party leaders elect the National party leader
[procedures vary from state to state]

They make the party rules
They can stop the corruption in the board of election
They decide how the votes is counted and eliminate vote fraud
They choose the candidates [constitutionalist]
They determine how the presidential primary is run

1/3 – 1/2 of the seats are now vacant and many of the occupied seats are appointed therefore more than half of the seats will can win unchallenged and that in itself will give the people a majority.
If we run on the constitution we should be able to win many of the challenged seats.
Furthermore I believe that there are many elected committeemen who will be happy to see a changes in the party
We have a national plan and are rapidly filling State and County Coordinators positions.
We are looking to existing Liberty meetup group organizers throughout the country to become County Coordinators and work with other groups to fill the committeeman seats in their county in both parties

Because "We the People" are highly motivated, they are not!
Because the 2+ million “highly motivated” people who went to Washington on 9-12-09 and the 30,000,000 plus people who view or listen to Glenn Beck prove that a high percentage of the American citizens understand the problem and are ready to act and the grass roots Liberty groups across this country can reach them with this message.

You can find a PDF copy of talking points at http://joinprimarychallenge.com/info.htm

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Become a Precinct Committeeman and help Restore the Republic:

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson

In 2010 one third of the senate seats and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives are up for election, along with the approximate 600,000 committeeman seats across the country, all 6,282 county leaders, all 100 State leaders and both National party leaders. Lets send them a message they will never forget and take back the control of our government by 2012.

Because right now it is being controlled by "gangster's". This opportunity will not be available to us again until 2012 in which case we would have to wait until 2014 to take back the control of our government, I don't believe America can wait that long. Do you?

Become a Precinct Committeeman
and help Restore the Republic:

Precinct Committeemen decide who the candidates will be! That’s power, that’s the Primary Challenge which is the only peaceful solution to take back our country. We the people can make sure that only honest constitutionally minded people in both parties become candidates and not the endless cycle of bankster lawyers that serve the "elite" through special interest groups and the federal mafia [reserves].

Precinct Committeemen are the most powerful people to make a change in elections. There are 180,000 precincts in the country. 180,000 precincts/3141 counties = average of 60 precincts per county. There are one and in some states two committee persons for each party therefore we need to fill an average of 100 Democrat and 100 Republican positions in each county. So that is an average of 200 committee persons for both parties per county. Since more then 1/3 of the committeeman seats are vacant and "many" of the occupied seats are appointed we will be able to take "more than 50% of the seats unchallenged which in itself is enough to take back the country. Furthermore "We the People" are highly motivated, they are not!

So if all the county organizers from all the Liberty Meetup Groups and Tea Parties focus on filling the positions in their own county we can easily take control of the candidate process and run honest constitutionally minded people at all levels in both parties from our town dog catcher all the way up to the president.

A Precinct Committeeman will need to invest an average of 30 hours a year, this is what we the people “must” do to reinstate our constitution and save the Republic. Will you?

We the People" need to understand the constitutional powers that we entrusted to Washington and our States. We also need to understand the difference between a Politician and a Statesmen. A Politician is partisan a Statesmen Represents "all" of his or her constituents with dignity and honor.

Once 'We the People" take control of the candidate process for 2012 we can then return this country to the "Constitutional Republic" we were meant to be.

To do this we need to know the Constitution we expect these candidates to "obey"! We need to understand that there can be "Only One Argument", we need to understand what a "Constitutional Republic" is, we need to understand the "Common Sense Positions".

If you can't find the time to help save the republic then the American way will be lost for ever. It is our duty to stand up for the Republic, as of October of 2009 we only have six months to accomplish our goals after which our "window of opportunity" will be lost until 2014 and I seriously doubt we have that much time. America "Please Wake Up!

Join the National, State and Local Groups below
and help us take our Country back!

Join the National Precinct Activists

Join our Conference call every Monday at 9PM EST on Paltalk

Click your State to the left and join people in your State and county

United We Stand
Divided We Fall

Please read "The Only Argument"


Freedom Watch - http://www.freedomwatchusa.org/

Join the National Precinct Activists








Wednesday, October 28, 2009


By Betty Freauf
October 28, 2009 NewsWithViews.com

I was cruising the radio dial one day and I ran into this guy called Glenn Beck and his assistant, Stu who had been given an assignment to follow presidential candidate Barack Obama around and report back to Glenn. The dialogue taking place this particular day found Stu following B.O. into the bathroom. He noticed him going into the stall, sitting down and “Wow,” absolutely euphoric Stu said, “This guy doesn’t even leave a stink.” I told my husband about it later and said maybe I should write an article. My wise husband of 54 years said it sounded like satire to him and Glenn Beck sounded like a jokester. Taking his wise counsel, I decided maybe I’d better not go out on a limb; however, after that encounter I became a regular radio listener and I, too, became impressed with Glenn Beck on the radio and when he was hired by FOX, I became a regular listener like so many of his followers and he’s to be commended for his leadership with the widely successful Tea Party and 9/12 movements. People are waking up. I bought about a dozen Common Sense books and gave them away.

However, some of my long-time astute networking research friends suggested I be “beware” of Beck and then about a month ago he praised Edward R. Murrow as being a terrific journalist for “exposing” Senator Joe McCarthy (R-Wisconsin) when McCarthy began accusing many in our government as being either communist sympathizers or outright communists. McCarthy died under suspicious circumstances at a government hospital in 1957 and many books and articles since have been written saying “McCarthy was right.” I talked to several other older friends from the McCarthy/Murrow era that love Glenn and his remark about Murrow went right over their heads. So, I wonder, how many other heads did it go over? Did I hear wrong? Certainly his remark wasn’t some sort of sick satire, or was it?

David Horowitz, a former Communist, said in his 1997 book, Radical Son, McCarthy was a latecomer to the anti-Communist crusade, which had begun in the early thirties when the rise of Hitler and Stalin first made the totalitarian threat real. The House Committee on Un-American Activities had already been created, and Congressional investigations launched. It was not until June 29, 1950, four days after the Communists invaded South Korea that McCarthy seized the national stage. In a series of famous speeches, he turned anti-communism into a weapon against the Democrats who had allowed that Party to infiltrate both its coalitions and the government itself. The liberals failed to appreciate the Communist threat. Most journalists are registered Democrats.

Glenn tells us to question everything so I took him seriously when he looks into the camera and says, “If I make a mistake, I will admit it” and I wrote him a $5 certified letter, return receipt requested and explained to him who Edward R. Murrow really was. I never got the card back and in the meantime I have misplaced the receipt.

On his October 23, 2009 TV program, Beck played a Chicago mafia thug with a baseball bat aimed at the alleged Marxist heads of the Obama administration and he played clips from the UNTOUCHABLES movie and then in the next breath once again praised Edward R. Murrow for his courage in exposing Senator Joe McCarthy but again failing to tell his audience that McCarthy was trying to call out the warning about the communist infiltration in America. Isn’t this a bit ironic when Beck appears to be doing the same thing with all the alleged Marxist mug shots pasted on his T.V. studio blackboard who surround the president? I don’t get it! Maybe some readers can help me understand. Did he not receive my letter? It was never returned. Is he not a man of his word, as he wants us to believe? He claims to read all the books on our Founding Fathers about how they gave their lives, their fortunes and sacred honor but why does he seem to be lacking in comprehension skills when it comes to a journalist such as Edward R. Murrow? Surely the Internet is filled with information about Murrow and his leftist ideology.

Perhaps he’s made his judgments from George Clooney’s movie Good Night and Good Luck that continued the smear campaign against Senator Joseph McCarthy while lionizing leftist reporter Edward R. Murrow. Beck wasn’t born in 1935, so perhaps he is unaware in that year the leftist National Education Association promoted a summer school held in Moscow, Russia, at which commissars (czars) were to teach and DID teach hundreds of American teachers. Some of the biggest names in American Education including now deceased John Dewey were sponsors of that school along with such members of the mass liberal media as Edward R. Murrow who later dispensed pro-Soviet disinformation.

On his October 23, 2009 Beck confused me more when he praised journalist Walter Conkite, a United Nations supporter and another one-worlder. Why would Beck belittle Senator Joe McCarthy and then turn around and expose Obama’s affiliations with known Marxists such as Van Jones, the “green jobs czar” who admitted he was a Communist? The descent into Marxism is happening with breathtaking speed, against the backdrop of a passive, hapless sheeple…(people) writes Stanislav Mishin in his article “From Pravda With Love.” (The Schwarz Report – October 2009)

Beck admitted Cronkite was a liberal but claimed he kept his ideology to himself. Oh really – McAlvany News reported in its July 2000 newsletter that Cronkite accepted the highest award of the World Federalist Association and the “most trusted man” in America declared his loyalty: “If we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict, we must strengthen the United Nations (controlled by the communists) as a first step toward a world government… We Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage…”

Cronkite went on to urge U.S. ratification of the United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty rejected by Ronald Reagan, of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty rejected by the Senate, and of the Rome treaty for a permanent international war crimes tribunal. He urged America to surrender its veto power in the Security Council, and called for a standing United Nations Army to enforce the peace of the world - the internationalist’s version of world government and if President Barack Obama signs the United Nations Climate Treaty in the Copenhagen on December 7-18 and the Senate ratifies it, we will have come full circle to the Biblical prophesized one world government which the globalists have been dreaming about for more than a century. The Constitution means nothing to these traitors.

Recently I ran into an article from the Oct. 21, 1985 New American magazine entitled The USSR’s Spetsnaz: Special Forces Soviet Style about its plans to invade the West revealed that all the countries in the West had been penetrated by Soviet “sleepers” who came as tourists, merchant seamen, or members of visiting cultural missions. These agents then established safe houses for the day when Russia’s rapid-advance Spetsnaz forces arrived.

Members of the USSR’s Olympic team and the ZSKA sports group had been trained for reconnaissance missions, so that when Spetsnaz forces appeared behind the West’s lines, spreading disorder and sabotage, as well as planting mines and sapping Western defenses, they would not want for guides. Worse, the sleepers had not failed to contact Western revolutionaries who will aid an enemy incursion.

The Spetsnaz rapid invasion force elite was estimated at the time to number at least 30,000 men under direct control of the GRU (military intelligence), but would work in coordination with the parallel clandestine force organized and maintained by the KGB The Spetsnaz role is to soften up the West’s defenders. Infiltrating in small groups by sea and air, they are to disrupt defenses, mine seaports, destroy refineries and power stations, assassinate key leaders, and disrupt the communications system before the main Russian wave arrives.

Spetsnaz men are the cream of the USSR’s young army. Fluency in languages is emphasized and Spetsnaz methods are so secret that the entire force has been segregated from other troops. Midget submarines, known to be carried on the decks of the USSR’s India-class submarines, were specially designed to put Spetsnaz men ashore. NATO officials estimated that it would take ten regular troops to combat each Spetsnaz fighter- either a man or a woman – whom the Soviets planned to have in place and ready for action before the regular attack.

While all of the above may sound like fiction, in my 2001 Is Communism Dead article, I noted Khrushchev said some day the red flag would fly over the U.S. but the American people would raise it.

September 21, 2009 Pastor Chuck Baldwein reported “The flag of the Communist Chinese regime has been raised over festivities near the White House honoring the restrictive nation’s 60th anniversary.

Please, Glenn, stop the satire. You’re confusing me and explain why I shouldn’t be questioning your support for such leftist journalists like Murrow and Cronkite?

© 2009 Betty Freauf - All Rights Reserved

Betty is a former Oregon Republican party activist having served as state party secretary, county chairman, 5th congressional vice chairman and then elected chairman, and a precinct worker for many years but Betty gave up on the two-party system in 2004 and joined the Constitutional Party.

Betty is a researcher specializing in education, a freelance journalist and a regular contributor to www.NewsWithViews.com

E-Mail: bettyboot@countrycablevision.net

Saturday, October 17, 2009


By Kelleigh Nelson
October 17, 2009 NewsWithViews.com

In the late 70s and early 80s, many grassroots Americans found out about the movement for a new Constitutional Convention (con-con). By 1986, 32 of the 34 states needed for a new constitutional convention had passed calls for a convention. The reason used for this call for a con-con was for a balanced budget amendment. Sounds great doesn’t it? However, it was a ruse used by those who want to radically change our constitution and basically destroy the founding fathers’ document. Many of the states and most of the legislators that called for a con-con did so without any public oversight or knowledge, basically because it was a good sounding conservative idea to require a balanced budget amendment.

Seven to ten of the 32 states have succeeded in recalling their calls for a con-con, including Alabama, Louisiana and Florida. The opportunity to change the constitution exists in Article V, which says the constitution can be changed in two ways, either by two-thirds of both houses of Congress sending an amendment to the states and three-quarters of the states ratifying it, (which is how we have ratified every amendment since the Bill of Rights). The other way is to have two-thirds of the states, that is, 34 states petitioning Congress for a Constitutional Convention. When the latter is used, the entire document is taken down and re-examined.

The proponents of a con-con under the guise of a balanced budget amendment still believe that if they get another two states who call for a balanced budget amendment that they can open a convention, despite the states that have recalled their calls. Con-con supporter James Dale Davidson of the National Taxpayers’ Union even stated that he didn’t care if the con-con couldn’t be limited to the Balanced Budget. As well, Henry Hazlitt (renowned conservative) was the NTU’s economic advisor wrote a book in 1974 entitled, “A New Constitution Now.” The book is extremely alarming because in the book he says, “an amendment could be proposed that would strike out everything after ‘We the people,’ “ and that of course includes the Bill of Rights.

Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Warren Burger (no friend of conservatives) vigorously opposed convening a constitutional convention. He wrote in 1988, “I have also repeatedly given my opinion that there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention. The Convention could make its own rules and set its own agenda. Congress might try to limit the Convention to one amendment or to one issue, but there is no way to assure that the Convention would obey. After a Convention is convened, it will be too late to stop the Convention if we don’t like the agenda. The meeting in 1787 ignored the limit placed by the Confederation Congress ‘for the sole and express purpose.’ “

We also have a warning directly from the “Father of the Constitution,” James Madison when the states of New York and Virginia formally petitioned Congress in 1788 to call for a con-con to propose amendments to the Constitution, which had only been completed a year before. Madison wrote this letter,
“If a General Convention were to take place for the avowed and sole purpose of revising the Constitution, it would naturally consider itself as having a greater latitude than the congress…It would consequently give greater agitation to the public mind; an election into it would be courted by the most violent partisans on both sides…[and] would no doubt contain individuals of insidious views, who, under the mask of seeking alterations popular in some parts…might have the dangerous opportunity of sapping the very foundations of the fabric…Having witnessed the difficulties and dangers experienced by the first Convention, which assembled under every propitious circumstance, I should tremble for the result of a second, meeting in the present temper in America.”
Just imagine a Constitutional Convention in today’s climate and sans the statesmen like our founding fathers.

I too tremble at the thought of a Constitutional Convention and unfortunately a new threat is on the horizon and comes from sources one would least expect. Judge Andrew Napolitano is often a guest on the Fox Network Glenn Beck Show. My first inkling that Judge Napolitano was pro-Constitutional Convention, was at the end of the Glenn Beck show on May 1st, 2009 when Glenn’s audience were tea party attendees from across the nation. At the end of this program, Judge Napolitano stated that we needed a Constitutional Convention to eliminate the 16th amendment (income taxes).

On April 23, 2009, the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed piece by Professor Randy Barnett. Barnett is a law professor at Georgetown University, “The Case for a Federalism Amendment: How the Tea Partiers can make Washington Pay Attention.” Judge Napolitano has had Professor Barnett on his program several times to discuss the “necessity” for a Constitutional Convention.

At this point, one must remember that Fox News Channel is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who in May of 2007 also purchased Dow Jones who also owns The Wall Street Journal. As well, on May 8, 2006, the Financial Times reported that Murdoch would be hosting a fundraiser for Senator Hillary Clinton’s Senate reelection campaign. Murdoch also owns the New York Post and was asked in a 2008 interview with Walt Mossberg if he had anything to do with the New York Post’s endorsement of Barack Obama. Without hesitating, Murdoch replied, “Yeah. He is a rock star. It’s fantastic. I love what he is saying about education……”

On April 27th, Barnett also appeared as a guest on Michael Patrick Leahy’s show on PajamasTV. Michael Patrick Leahy is the co-founder of TCOT (Top Conservatives on Twitter) and through his heavy participation in the Tax Day Party Website as well as being an important organizer of the Tax Day Tea Parties, supports Barnett’s Constitutional Convention project to the hilt.

Professor Barnett has made several appearances on the Glenn Beck TV show in the last several months where he has promoted his con-con project with little or NO contradiction from Beck. How can constitutionalist attorney and judge, Andrew Napolitano vigorously support Barnett’s con-con project? Once again they are using various conservative techniques to draw in the grassroots who are uneducated as to the dangers of a con-con. Judge Napolitano well knows that we don’t need a Constitutional Convention to get rid of the 16th amendment. The 18th amendment prohibition of liquor was repealed in the 21st amendment without a Constitutional Convention.

So, we have Judge Napolitano, Professor Barnett, and the push for the tea parties, organized by Michael Patrick Leahy all appearing on the Fox News Network owned by Rupert Murdoch. Unfortunately, Glenn Beck has never made his anti con-con position known on TV. However, he’s expressed strong opposition in his “Notes From Glenn” at the bottom of an article on www.glennbeck.com, “How to Curtail the Federal Beast,” by Judge Napolitano, dated May 15, 2009. Barnett and Napolitano continue their strong pitches for a con-con on Beck’s show, despite Beck’s written opposition. Glenn Beck has championed so many wonderful exposes’, we need to let him know the devastation of a con-con and his strong opposition to one should be aired on TV and radio!

Waiting in the wings is the New States Constitution the New World Order needs and wants in order to succeed with the fulfillment of their plans. The Ford and Rockefeller tax-free foundations along with others paid 25 million to draw up this new constitution beginning in 1964 at the Center for Democratic Institutions. This model constitution took 10 years to write, and is in its 35th draft, drawing on the efforts of over 100 people. In 1974 an essentially final version was quietly published in a book entitled, “The Emerging Constitution,” by Rexford G. Tugwell (Harper & Row) the man who directed the formulation of the new constitution.

My prayer is that the grassroots folks who appreciate all that Fox News does to expose graft, corruption and communists in this administration, will become aware that a call for a Constitutional Convention is the total death Nell for America. There is no easy way to retake our beloved constitutional government and get it under control. The key as Jefferson advised in 1820 is the creation of an informed electorate. Freedom loving constitutionalists must rally around our Constitution and continue to take a stand for liberty and freedom.

A copy of the NEW STATES CONSTITUTION may be found here: http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/concon/newstates.htm


1- Constitution in Crisis (Revised Edition) by Kenneth C. Hill and Joan Collins, copyright 1994 by Hearthstone Publishing Ltd., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (800) 580-2604\
2- Dangers of a Constitutional Convention by Larry Greenley, June 23, 2009, The New American
3- Constitution Threatened by New Constitutional Convention Initiative by Larry Greenley, May 29, 2009, The New American
4- Various news clippings and radio interviews.

© 2009 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Ravenwood" Comes To America

by Chuck Baldwin October 9, 2009

Fans of the CBS-terminated TV series JERICHO will recognize the name "Ravenwood." This was the ruthless mercenary force used by the illegitimate federal government at Cheyenne to subjugate the citizens of Kansas in the aftermath of a massive nuclear attack against two dozen American cities. As with much of JERICHO's superbly written story line, Ravenwood reflected real-world entities. Private mercenary forces have been used extensively throughout the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, as well as in many other theaters. And as JERICHO correctly depicted, these "private contractors" have largely operated without oversight or accountability. (Can anyone say, "Blackwater"?) For the most part, the American people are unfamiliar with these mercenary forces, because they normally operate in foreign theaters of war. JERICHO put them on the streets of U.S. cities. Now it looks like JERICHO was more prophecy than fiction.

An underreported (what's new?) story out of a little town in Montana has brought real-life drama to the CBS blockbuster TV series. Interestingly enough, CBS is the only major news network that has covered the Montana story.

In the little town of Hardin, Montana (which is about the same size as the fictitious town of Jericho, Kansas, in the TV series), a private security firm, American Police Force (APF), has been contracted to provide all police services and to manage the operation of the town's jail. According to local news reports out of Billings, Montana, "American Police Force officials showed up in Mercedes SUV's that had 'Hardin Police' stenciled on the vehicles. The twist, the city of Hardin doesn't have a police department.

"Two Rivers Authority [the city's economic development agency] officials say having APF patrol the streets was never part of their agenda." (Source: KULR-8 Television, Billings, Montana)

Until now, the Big Horn County Sheriff's Office was responsible for patrolling the city. However, numerous Hardin citizens have testified to APF mercenaries patrolling Hardin's streets.

The Hardin jail is an interesting situation, all by itself. Completed in September 2007, the 464-bed facility has sat totally empty (which begs an investigative analysis as to how and why the facility was built in the first place). APF promises to fill the jail (with whom is not clear) and also intends to build a 30,000-square-foot military-style training facility and a 75,000-square-foot dormitory for trainees. Costs are to be covered by Ravenwood's--excuse me--APF's "business activities," which includes security and training, weapons and equipment sales, surveillance, and investigations.

Of course, under our Constitution, there can be no such thing as an "American Police Force" in the United States. Any kind of national police force is not only unconstitutional; it is anathema to everything American law and jurisprudence is built upon. Law enforcement is clearly and plainly the responsibility of the states and local communities. That a mercenary organization would take the moniker American Police Force is, by itself, disconcerting. But there is much more.

APF touts itself as providing security and investigative work to clients in "all 50 States and most Countries." It boasts having "rapid response units awaiting our orders worldwide." It further brags that it can field a battalion-sized team of Special Forces soldiers "within 72 hours." APF states that it "plays a critical role in helping the U.S. government meet vital homeland security and national defense needs."

Yet, an Associated Press search of two comprehensive federal government contractor databases turned up no record of American Police Force. Representatives of security trade groups said they had never heard of APF. Alan Chvotkin, executive vice president and counsel for the Professional Services Council, said, "They're really invisible."

An attorney for APF, Maziar Mafi, said the company was a spin-off of a major security firm, but declined to name the parent company or give any other details.

But at least one source reports, "American Police Force, the paramilitary unit patrolling a small town in Montana, has been exposed as being a front group for the disgraced private military contractor Blackwater, now called 'Xe'."

Whoever is backing APF has deep pockets; that much is for sure. That APF might be connected to Blackwater makes this situation even more problematic. But there is still more.

According to numerous local news reports, APF's lead figure has a criminal history. APF's head is a man named Michael Hilton. And recent revelations have turned up the fact that Hilton has served several years in jail--along with being served several civil judgments--for fraud. In fact, Hilton is currently scheduled to appear in a California court over an outstanding judgment in a fraud case. This has caused the Two Rivers Authority (TRA) to step back from the APF deal. And at this writing, the future of the agreement between TRA and APF is uncertain.

Adding to the dubious image of APF is the accusation that their on-the-ground leaders seem to be Russians. According to Hardin residents, the APF officer in charge had a "thick Russian accent." (Of course, Hilton himself is Serbian, and it appears that many of his personnel are likewise Serbian.) Residents also state that they were told seventy-five percent of the security officers that were to be trained would be "international." Is this what we have to look forward to: foreign mercenaries--employed by international corporations and backed by the federal government--being used to police American cities?

Local protests against the introduction of APF mercenaries in Hardin have already caused APF to change its name. Late news reports state that the private contractor is now operating under the name of American Private Police Force.

In the meantime, Montana Attorney General Steve Bullock has launched an investigation into the Hardin matter. According to the AG's office, the investigation is predicated upon concerns that the company might be violating the Montana Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Act.

The Hardin saga is both noteworthy and troublesome. It is the latest example--but certainly not the first--of how private security companies are being employed as law enforcement personnel.

Retired lawman Jim Kouri recently wrote a fascinating piece in which he chronicles the growing trend of private security companies exercising police powers. Kouri summarizes an American Society for Industrial Security report, saying, "There are more than one million contract security guards, with perhaps another million guards who are proprietary security officers who are hired directly by businesses and institutions. On the other hand, there are about 700,000 sworn law enforcement officers working for towns, cities, counties, states and the federal government."

Of course, most of these "private police" mercenaries are military-trained. And they are also the ones providing most of the military-style training to America's various law enforcement agencies.

Kouri goes on to point out that Lexington's (Kentucky) Police Department contracted Blackwater Security International to provide "homeland security training." And in New Orleans, Louisiana, mercenaries openly patrol city streets. Kouri notes Blackwater officials as saying they are on contract with the Department of Homeland Security and have been given the authority "to use lethal force if necessary."

See Kouri's column at http://newswithviews.com/BreakingNews/breaking168.htm

All of the above is disconcerting enough, but when one factors in President Barack Obama's desire to create a "Civilian Defense Force," potential problems only intensify. For example, in 1995, the United Nations' International Police Task Force (UNIPTF) was created. Ostensibly, the UNIPTF was formed to "carry out programs of police assistance in Bosnia and Herzegovina." Then, in 2003 the Civilian Police International (CPI) was created. This was a joint venture between the U.S. State Department and such notable private companies as Wackenhut and Kellogg Brown & Root (a Halliburton company; and, by the way, so is Blackwater. But this is just a coincidence, right?). The stated purpose was for "international law enforcement and criminal justice programs." Inertia for mercenary-style (backed by the federal--or even international--government) law enforcement has been growing ever since.

The question must then be asked: "Could the whole APF and Hardin, Montana, affair be a test run for Obama's budding Civilian Defense Force?"

In the CBS TV series, JERICHO, residents resisted the federal government's mercenary force, Ravenwood, and fought ferociously for their freedom and independence. At the time the show aired, it all seemed like fantasy. But if you talk with the residents of Hardin, Montana, today, they might say that fantasy is fast becoming reality.

Stay alert, America: your town could be next.

P.S. I have posted a web page devoted to the Hardin, Montana, story for anyone that wants to review or keep abreast of this situation. Go here:


*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link: http://www.chuckbaldwinlive.com/donate.php

© Chuck Baldwin

This column is archived as http://www.chuckbaldwinlive.com/c2009/cbarchive_20091009.html

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Why does a Constitutionalist doubt a "Conservative"?

Several folks have asked me why I refuse to support or associate myself with the "Cult Conservatives" of talk radio and Fox News fame. Most recently it was Glenn Beck and here is my answer.

Glenn Beck MAY be the most hopeful of the neo-conservatives from the “big media”. (i.e. Rush, Hannity, O’Reilly, Schnitt et. al.) By hopeful I mean someone in whom I see some hope for REAL conservatism (i. e. Constitutionalism). Most of the “big boys” are just putting on a show for the ratings. I think Glenn was at first but I think (hope) he is truly trying to learn now. As he studies the Constitutional movement and learns from some of the old timers who have been around for decades, he is learning that this is NOT something new. The REAL problem lies MUCH deeper than R&D or Conservative and Liberal or Black and White. Without belaboring the point too far, I sum it up in my simple statement which I repeat at every opportunity;
“The NWO (New World Order) is the ultimate goal of those Satanists who conspire to control the world and ALL else is just a smoke screen, a stepping stone or a diversionary tactic!” Woody Wood

You can measure the depth of a true conservative (Constitutionalist) by their understanding and portrayal of the NWO. ALL of the other political stuff is just window dressing. I can’t say it any plainer than that. Watch them and see if they avoid, make light of or disavow the “One World Conspiracy” theory. If they do, they have NOT done their homework or they are afraid of what it will cost them if they espouse the REAL truth.
I could go on and on, but I think you now see where I am coming from. Once you glimpse the world through the “conspiracy glasses”, NOTHING will ever look the same (be seen the same) again.
Love & Blessings,
Woody Wood

PS: For more information check out and www.infowars.com and www.prisonplanet.com
But when ALL else fails, this SHALL remain;
John 14:6 (NASB) Jesus said* to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”
Philippians 2:10-11 (NASB) … at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that EVERY TOUNGE WILL CONFESS that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Praise The Lord!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Urgent Call to Prayer: Signs of the Times"

RT Lou Engle:


It is critical that the Church in America understands the times and what needs to be done now. The natural things speak of the invisible. Natural happenings on the earth are revealing something that is going on in the spiritual realm. There is a great spiritual conflict with a rising tide of Islamic boldness being manifested. Several happenings are converging this week.

First of all, our President has recently proclaimed, honored, encouraged the Muslim holy days of prayer and fasting called Ramadan. He was very silent on the National Day of Prayer, but very vocal on the support of Ramadan. Interestingly, at the same time, a major Christian leader of the Emergent Church called for forty days of fasting and prayer in the same Ramadan period with the goal that the Church will better understand our Muslim friends. We are all for understanding, but we must have spiritual discernment as to the spiritual dark powers that are being invoked into our nation.

Cause for Concern

At the same time, on the 25th of September, Muslims are calling for a Muslim Day of Prayer in Washington DC: (http://www.islamoncapitolhill.com/). They are calling for 50,000 Muslims to gather and pray on the DC Mall. This is the exact word of one of the Sheikhs who is leading this historic gathering: "Muslims should march on the White House. We are going to the White House so that Islam will be victorious, Allah willing, and the White House will become into a Muslim house." These are not empty words. They speak of a dark spiritual intent and a coming day of great trouble to America.

A Divine Moment

Now, one of these events is enough to awaken us to this significant throbbing moment, but when they all converge, it becomes a massive spiritual alarm that must be responded to by the praying Church. However, I believe in this moment of divine providence that God has raised up on the stage of history, a little "Esther" that if we pray and fast for her, she could be a major voice to expose the dark under-belly of Islam and radiate a bright hope for a day of salvation for Muslims in America.


Rifqa Bary
Photo Courtesy: Fox News
On Monday, Rifqa Bary, a young 17-year-old woman, will be in the headlines of U.S. news. Four years ago, while living in a very devout and radical Muslim home, Rifqa met Jesus in a powerful way as her Savior. She hid her conversion, began praying secretly, and began hiding her Bible from her parents. Then, on Facebook, her love for Jesus was exposed to the radical Muslim community in Ohio.

Rifqa's father demanded that she renounce Jesus or he would kill her as is commanded by the Koran. As a radiant Believer in Jesus she refused to renounce her Lord and fled to Orlando, where she was taken in and cared for by a Christian Church and family. Now, the father is appealing to the courts to bring her back under his custody. Major television networks have already covered her story. How must the Church of America respond in this moment for our sister who is a part of the Body of Christ?

A Major Sign

This convergence, I believe, is urgently summoning us in the midst of the rising tide of Islamic influence in America to recognize that our God is above every god and that if we return to Him with all of our hearts and call upon Him with fasting and prayer, then God could use what the enemy meant for evil to bring about a great day of salvation for Muslims in America, of which Rifqa is but a major sign.

Here is The Call

First of all, we cannot be passive as a Church to let these kinds of developments go on without being challenged in the spirit. Our fight is not against Muslims, it is against principalities, powers, and forces of darkness.

We are calling the Church of America at the end of Ramadan, from September 21st through 25th, to five days of concerted prayer. On Monday, we must pray that God would grant supernatural wisdom to the courts so that the testimony of Jesus would be proclaimed and that the best situation for Rifqa and her family would take place. We must pray for Rifqa to be bold in proclaiming Jesus that even thousands of Muslims would hear and be awakened to the love of Christ. She has already said that this is not about her, but about many Muslims coming to Jesus. We must pray for her lawyers who are being bullied, threatened, and challenged on every side.

On Friday, September 25th, the Muslim Day of Prayer, we are calling the Church of America to fast and pray that Muslims would be moved by the Holy Spirit, convicted by the testimony of Christ, and even be visited by Jesus in dreams. We must pray that God would restrain the spiritual powers behind Islam and grant us the great awakening that we desperately need for America.

Let us hear the call to prayer and not miss this moment.

Lou Engle
The Call
Email: response@thecall.com

Friday, August 21, 2009

"We Are In a Time of Great Transition and Reformation"

Joni Ames takes a looong hard look at CHANGE.

Why were you born? What are you presently doing? Is it causing you to walk in more of your calling? What plans do you have to help you move forward and into your purpose, call and destiny? These are questions I was asked not too long ago.

While praying recently, I sensed the Lord speak this to my spirit: "My people must acquire the ability to learn from, yet release, the past in order to embrace the future and change history."

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 3:12-14

We are presently in one of the most interesting times in history. With the availability and use of email and Internet, each and every one of us has the ability to affect and direct the future of all mankind. Nearly all of us can become an instant news media source to the entire world just by using our cell phones or cameras to upload what goes on around us. Instantly, it can be uploaded onto YouTube—or by sending it to CNN or Fox News—and what you report can become today's top news story! In recent time, through the use of such personal media, we have been able to witness firsthand the literal restructuring of nations, right before our eyes!


The dictionary defines "change" as: (1) to make different, alter; to make radically different, transform; to give a different position, course, or direction. (2) to replace with another; to make a shift from one to another, to switch; to exchange money; to undergo a modification; to put on fresh clothes or covering.

I often come across people who are "uncomfortably comfortable." In other words, not happy with their situation, stuck in a rut they don't even enjoy—but due to "fear of change," they stay in it! How long will we each continue to accept the changes that life randomly deals out before we actually have the guts to make the changes in our life that will bring about the type of conditions that could catapult us into greater levels in life, and into our purpose, call and destiny?

It's time to "Work Smarter, Not Harder!" How many times do people settle for less than what they are worth, even in a job, just to escape having to make changes? That even happens to those of us in ministry. In fact, it happened to the disciples. They wanted to change people, but they didn't want to change the way they were doing things. They were happy to stick together and work together in the same region—maybe even forever. But they were called to spread the Gospel to the world, so God allowed there to come arguments among them in order to make them uncomfortable enough to get with it and walk in their purpose, call and destiny, and spread the Gospel!

We are told in Acts 15:39-40: They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord.

Sometimes we just get so used to those around us and what we are doing together that we forget—our job is to equip the saints, not be the only ones doing the stuff.

Fear Change?

As I've mentored various ones in ministry, I've sometimes gotten "comfortable" with those around me, and therefore lagged behind in my call to release them to go on to what they are to do, and allow myself to continue to bring forth others. I'd have a worship leader or other person that I absolutely loved and trusted, and I didn't want to change that comfortable arrangement! Situations like that cause all of us to lag in our calling. We must learn to release what is in our hands in order to receive what is in His. And the truth of the matter is, when we allow ourselves to do so, it causes us to "graduate" to a new level as well.

How many of us do that though? For example:

• Parents who fear the "empty nest syndrome?"
• Ministries who don't want to have to find a new worship leader or children's minister?
• Businesses who could expand and have a greater effect?

Because of concern for our own comfort, we become fearful to step into the changes necessary to allow the other person to become who they are meant to be!

What type of change, effect, or legacy can we bring to help those around us (if we'd only be willing to change) when God gives us the opportunity to do so? And, how much of that will we actually accomplish if we do not allow ourselves to be flexible and receptive to whatever type of change is needed in order to accomplish it? It's not what happens to us that matters nearly as much as how we respond and what we do because of it. We must realize that His ways truly are SO much better than ours!

Did you know that fearing that which will NEVER happen is the main cause why our greatest dreams, visions and destiny don't take place? Sounds silly, but it's true! I have a counselor friend who says that most of the cases they deal with are due to fears of things that will never happen. Sales trainer Zig Ziglar says, "F.E.A.R. stands for False Evidence Appearing Real."

Satan is a liar and the father of lies—a deceiver; and comes to kill, steal and destroy. Jesus came so that we could have life and have it more abundantly. Whose report will we believe? We must believe that He IS, and that He is a REWARDER of those who diligently seek Him. We must love God—and thus believe in Him—more than we fear the enemy. As we draw closer to Him, God's perfect love casts out all fear!


The men who fashioned our nation knew they needed a Revolution that would lead to Reformation. When you break down that word "reformation" it looks like this:

Re - Form - ation or Re - Formed - Nation!

When things need to be re-FORMED, that requires ACTION! — CHANGE!

Just as a potter is sometimes required to hammer out the old before "re - forming" the new, so it sometimes is with us. No wonder Jeremiah 18:3-5 says: I went down to the potter's house, and there he was, making something at the wheel. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make. Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: "O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter?" says the LORD. "Look, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand..."

Sometimes life is like an old couch, old mattress, or old pair of shoes: we are so used to them that, even when we need a new one, we don't want to take the time and effort to break in a new one. All too often we remain in an uncomfortable comfort zone, because we fear the unknown. Therefore, we never attain the success we are capable of.

As the old saying goes...sometimes we just need to "do it afraid!"

Kairos Moments

I have learned some things about "kairos" timing. Kairos means: (Greek: right or opportune moment): Fullness of time; the propitious moment for the performance of an action or the coming into being of a new state (Oxford English Dictionary).

Sometimes we have a dream or vision that we carry in our hearts for many years before it begins to happen. Then suddenly it is as if that "right moment in time" occurs. Suddenly (after maybe many years of waiting) a divine alignment takes place where everything and everyone comes together in proper alignment, and the suddenlies of God begin flowing! Kairos timing, simply put, is "God's perfect timing."

It can be likened to seeing a cloudy sky and then a small section of clouds part and the sun shines through; but the clouds continue to move, and just as suddenly as it opened, it begins to close again. When everything is "opened up" and we are in the midst of a kairos moment, everything is lined up and things can be done with ease, IF we just do it during that kairos moment! We can still do it when that kairos moment cloud formation closes, but then it is harder and must be done in faith and physical obedience, rather than in that anointed time when everything falls into place.

"Paralysis by analysis" can kill that kairos moment. Basically, it's likened to dissecting something in biology class. And just in case you don't know, when you dissect something, if it's not dead when you start out, it soon will be. Paralysis by analysis can also come from operating under the influence of a religious spirit. You will have prayed about or for something for 20 years, and then when it comes and you have to make a "rapid" decision, you move into fear and say, "I need to pray about it"—and end up missing out on it.

Obviously prayer is of importance, but if you've been praying for a certain amount of money so you can build a facility for your ministry and someone walks up to you with a check for that exact amount, what's to pray about?

Many times in Christendom, we use a variety of phrases that sound spiritual, but they can keep us from what God has for us. One such statement is, "I'm waiting on the Lord." However, in reality, we need to ask ourselves if we are waiting on the Lord or is He waiting on us? Let's FULFILL our destiny! We need to be sure that we don't let a religious spirit or a spirit of "paralysis by analysis" rob us of our kairos moments.

Write the Vision

I'm sure you've heard the old saying which says that the definition of insanity is doing the same things we've always done expecting different results. Truly, we can drive ourselves crazy by not fulfilling our purpose, call and destiny. So, let's not procrastinate or evaluate ourselves out of the changes we need to make in order to get to the goal. Let's begin to make even some small changes TODAY! It's time to set our goals and go for them!

Habakkuk 2:2-3 says: Then the LORD answered me and said: "Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry."

Let's write our big goals down in a notebook. But, let's make sure that we cut a path to the big goals by making stepping stones of small, ATTAINABLE goals toward it so that we do not get discouraged. Let's put ourselves in a position to WIN.

Even Donald Trump says the difference between those who write down their goals and those who do not is that the ones who do WILL achieve them. (The ones who do NOT will NOT.) So, let's go for it! Let's WRITE the vision. Then DO it! Faith without works is dead.

"Write in a book all those things that were told to you by the Lord." —Jeremiah 30:2

But someone will say, "You have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.—James 2:18


Don't confuse your purpose with others' opinions. Keep your goals and the blueprint that God gave you in front of your eyes and do NOT divert from them under pressure—or else it will end up looking nothing like what you started out with and what God gave you.

CONTROL has three distinct dimensions:
MANIPULATION - which tries to trick you into something.
INTIMIDATION - which tries to scare you into something.
DOMINATION - which attempts to force you into something.

If you feel yourself slipping into the old habit of trying to please people, DON'T. I was sitting in the midst of a group of people one day and suddenly as clear as can be, I heard the song lyrics come to me, "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right—and here I am, stuck in the middle with you!" As I sat there, I realized, "These people are talking about things they talked about ten years ago and have still never accomplished. And they are talking about other people the same way they did ten years ago. I need a change!" Surround yourself with RIGHT relationships.

Even the Bible warns us that bad company corrupts good habits: Do not be deceived: "Evil company corrupts good habits."
—1 Corinthians 15:33

A while back, TV animal adventure man Steve Irwin passed away after having been pierced in the chest by a stingray fish while in the water. I knew there was some sort of spiritual lesson in the event, as well as the fact that we need to stay away from stingrays! So I said, "Lord, what are You saying through this?" To which He replied: "Watch out who you swim with. Toxic people talk sick. And they will pierce you right in the heart of your purpose, call, and destiny and KILL it."

Don't "swim" with time or money wasters. They will divert your time, attention, money, and energy away from your goal, and drain you of energy, life, and purpose. So many times people ask my advice, but when I give it to them, they argue with me. A situation like that is a waste of time. We need to realize that, when we spend TIME on someone or something, we are SPENDING our LIFE! And we will never get that time back! Let's SPEND our time—our LIFE—WISELY!

A Time of Great Transition

Bottom line: change is good. We are in a time of great transition. A transition is a sequence of actions which occurs when a process changes from one state to another in response to an input. However, transition is also the last stage of a women's pregnancy before the birthing. So often, transition involves not only a "new beginning," but the need to LET GO OF THE PAST in order to move into a new realm of the future, and no one can do that for us. Like the story of the butterfly, if someone helps it break out of the cocoon, it will die. For it is in that struggle that it's wings get strengthened enough to fly.

We each have to decide on our own to change or not to change. As we look at various aspects of our lives today, let's ask ourselves that Dr. Phil question: "How's that working for you?" And if the answer is that it's not going so great, perhaps we need to make some necessary changes to be able to move forward.

Let's Pray: Father, we come to You in the name of Your Son, Jesus, and we ask forgiveness for not allowing ourselves to change in the areas where we've needed to change. We ask forgiveness for blame-shifting to others for the situations we find ourselves in. And we ask for the courage and strength to make the changes we need to make. We hand You what's in our hands that we have been holding onto, and we trade it for what You have for us. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Joni Ames
A.C.T.S. Ministries
Email: JoniAmes@aol.com

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Andy Andrews has encouraged me to become a "Noticer"

So here's what I have been "Noticing",,, the Tea Parties and Town Hall Meetings are growing more and more vocal. I believe it boils down to righteous vs. unrighteous anger and indignation. It is OK to be angry and to express your indignation in a matter if you are RIGHT. (i.e. Jesus in the temple turning over the money changers tables) When we become angry and indignant without righteousness on our side, it is called ARROGANCE. I have been arrogant (I want what I want, when I want it, just because I THINK I deserve it). I find it much more comfortable and rewarding to be in a position where I want what I want because it is the RIGHT & RIGHTEOUS thing to do, by social, legal and moral standards. It seems to me that the Leftist Liberals who are pushing their extreme policies upon the public today are having a hard time justifying them as either Right or Righteous.
They are dealing from a position of PRIDE and ARROGANCE.
By: Woody Wood
Proverbs 11:2 (NASB) When pride comes, then comes dishonor, But with the humble is wisdom.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Meet the New World Order - Same as the Old World Order.

I have tried several times over the past few years to sum up my feelings about The New World Order, but this writer has done a far better job than I could of putting it all together. This IS a real and present danger! PLEASE read what he has to say and act according to your conscience.


Meet the New World Order - Same as the Old World Order.

By Chuck Baldwin

In my column, I attempted to wake up my fellow Americans, who are either currently slumbering through the collapse of our constitutional republic or in a protracted state of denial regarding a very real — and very dangerous — burgeoning New World Order. The information that I need to disseminate on this matter is so plentiful that it is extremely difficult to condense into one column. Therefore, I must at least attempt to provide a little more information on this subject. I will use this column to do just that.

I already quoted former President George Herbert Walker Bush in my previous column. Here are more of his quotes. In 1991, Bush, Sr. said, "My vision of a New World Order foresees a United Nations with a revitalized peacekeeping function." In 1992, he said, "It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance."

Wow! I thought U.S. Presidents, as well as all civil magistrates and military personnel, swore an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Not in Bush's mind, obviously.

On January 25, 1993, Warren Christopher, the new Secretary of State under Bill Clinton, told CNN: "We must get the New World Order on track and bring the U.N. into its correct role in regards to the United States."

In 1958, Cleon Skousen, a former FBI agent (a man I was fortunate enough to get to know before his death), wrote a book entitled The Naked Communist. In it, he outlined the long-term communist agenda. Since then, the movers and shakers of the New World Order have successfully achieved many of these goals within the U.S. Here are some samples of those goals:

  • Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
  • Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
  • Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind.
  • Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
  • Get control of the schools.
  • Infiltrate the press.
  • Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
  • Break down cultural standards of morality.
  • Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with social religion.
  • Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

Is there anyone who cannot see that the purveyors of the New World Order have largely achieved most of their goals? All they need to do now is tie it all together under one governmental umbrella.

One of the organizations that is at the forefront of promoting the New World Order is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). In my last column, I showed how the CFR dominates the Presidencies of both Republican and Democratic administrations (including the current one), as well as the Federal Reserve. I would even go so far as to say that the CFR is a very "clear and present danger" to the sovereignty and independence of the United States.

For example, CFR member and UN spokesman, Walt Rostow, said, "It is, therefore, an American interest to see an end to nationhood."

The American people need to wake up to the fact that the international banking interests that dominate our political and financial entities are working tirelessly to "see an end to nationhood." I am talking about the Rothschilds and Warburgs of Europe, and the houses of J.P. Morgan, Kuhn, Loeb, Schiff, Lehman, and Rockefeller.

Rear Admiral Chester Ward, who was the Judge Advocate General of the Navy from 1956-1960 and a former member of the CFR who pulled out after realizing what they were all about, warned the American people about the dangers of this and similar organizations (such as the Trilateral Commission). He said, "The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common--they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the United States. A second clique of international members in the CFR . . . comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government."

Admiral Ward also said, "The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all powerful, one world government."

Remember, the CFR was incorporated in 1921 and is currently comprised of only about 4,000 members. The CFR was co-founded by Edward Mandell House and John D. Rockefeller. Colonel (an honorary title — he was not a military colonel) House had been the chief advisor of President Woodrow Wilson. Historians often call House "Wilson's alter ego" due to the powerful influence he held over the President. House was a rabid Marxist, whose goal was to socialize the United States. In his book, Philip Dru: Administrator, House said he was working for "socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx."

House's stated goals were to incorporate a gradual income tax upon the backs of the American people for the purpose of establishing a state-controlled central bank. Both of these goals were accomplished in 1913, the very first year of the House-dominated Wilson administration.

House's blueprint became the foundation for the CFR. What was not accomplished by the proposed League of Nations at the end of World War I was realized with the formation of the United Nations at the end of World War II. Not by accident, much of the original funding for the CFR came from Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave CFR members much authority in his administration, and they have pretty much dominated the foreign and financial policies of the United States ever since.

In the April, 1974 edition of the CFR publication, Foreign Affairs, Columbia University Professor and CFR member Richard Gardner wrote a column entitled, "The Hard Road to World Order." In it, he called for "an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece." He named the following organizations that would help fulfill that objective: the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the Law of the Sea Conference, the World Food Conference, the World Population Conference, and of course, the United Nations. I would also include NAFTA, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), CAFTA, etc.

The CFR has a sister organization called the Trilateral Commission (TC). This group was co-founded by the Marxist, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and David Rockefeller. Like Gardner, Brzezinski calls for a piecemeal "movement toward a larger community of the developed nations . . . through a variety of indirect ties and already developing limitations on national sovereignty." (Source: Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, p. 296)

Brzezinski is also a major proponent (along with CFR member Robert Pastor) of the North American Community (or Union), whose construction began during the second term of President George W. Bush and continues today under President Barack Obama.

Here is a sample list of the notable dignitaries in and out of government who hold (or held) membership in the CFR or TC (and sometimes both):

George Herbert Walker Bush. Bill Clinton. Sandra Day O'Connor. Dick Cheney. Les Aspin. Colin Powell. Robert Gates. Brent Scowcroft. Jesse Jackson, Sr. Mario Cuomo. Dan Rather. Tom Brokaw. David Brinkley. John Chancellor. Marvin Kalb. Diane Sawyer. Barbara Walters. Cyrus Vance. Paul Volcker. Henry Kissinger. George Schultz. Alan Greenspan. Madeleine Albright. Roger Altman. Bruce Babbitt. Howard Baker. Samuel Berger. Elaine Chao. Dianne Feinstein. Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Chuck Hagel. Gary Hart. John McCain. George Mitchell. Bill Moyers. Jay Rockefeller. Donna Shalala. Strobe Talbott. Fred Thompson. Robert Zoellick. Richard Nixon. Hubert H. Humphrey. George McGovern. Gerald Ford. Jimmy Carter. John Anderson. Walter Mondale. Michael Dukakis. Al Gore. John Kerry.

It is absolutely essential that we stop looking at potential leaders as either Democrats or Republicans, or as conservatives or liberals. Those monikers mean very little today. We must start identifying people as either Americans or globalists. Either they believe in an independent, sovereign, self-governing United States of America, or they believe in supranational government and internationalism. Either they believe in devotion to the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence, or they believe in the goals and objectives of the United Nations. We must rid ourselves of the propensity to support those who classify themselves as "conservatives," and we must stop blindly supporting the GOP "because it is a 'conservative' party." If they do not understand AND OPPOSE the New World Order, they do not deserve our support or our vote! [emphasis added]

George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush laid the foundation for everything that Barack Obama is doing to facilite the New World Order. That two of these Presidents are Democrats and two are Republicans only proves my point: both the Democratic and Republican parties have succumbed to New World Order ideology.

There is more that we can do, of course, but I will save the bulk of that discussion for another day. In the meantime, we need to realize that the New World Order exists, to understand that both major parties are collaborating to facilitate its creation, to start looking at leaders as either Americans or globalists, and to refuse to support the latter in any shape, manner, or form.

Pastors need to start warning their people about the New World Order (and the Biblical principles relating to it) from their pulpits — loud and often! People need to start warning their family members and friends. We need to start searching out like-minded patriots — who understand what's going on — for information and encouragement. And remember this: WE CAN DEFEAT THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Yes, we can!

The fatalistic view that we are helpless is a bunch of baloney! Our forefathers defeated the New World Order in their day. The globalists have been stymied many times through the years. The fact that they have not yet totally achieved their globalistic objectives shows us that it is possible to stop them, or at the very least, set their agenda backward.

I also urge my Christian brothers and sisters to rid themselves of the propensity to say, "This is God's will; there is nothing we can do about it." That, too, is hooey!

Christians are to be the "salt of the earth." Salt is a preservative, a retardant against decay. We are instructed to be faithful "unto death." In Romans chapter 3, the Apostle Paul made it clear that we must never support evil that good may come. I would remind my brethren that refusing to resist evil is the same as supporting it. Sitting back complacently and saying, "This must happen so Jesus can come," borders on blasphemy. It runs counter to everything the Bible teaches. We Christians have a duty, an obligation to do right with no regard to outcome or consequences.

When asked when He would establish His Kingdom on the earth, the first thing out of Jesus' mouth was, "It is not for you to know." Yet, many Christians presume to know the times and seasons of Christ's return. But let's be honest with ourselves and admit that we do NOT know. To sit back and say that we have full understanding of Bible prophecy and can say for certain what God does or does not want to accomplish in and through our country is the height of arrogance and pride. Only God knows those things. It's time we let God be God and start doing what is ours to do.

What we do know is any attempt at establishing global government is as wicked now as it was at the Tower of Babel. As Christians, we are instructed to resist the wicked one. We must oppose him and his work. We are told to "occupy" until Christ returns, whenever that is. To "occupy" means to "take care of business." God expects us to follow His teaching and do what is ours to do. To use Christ's coming as an excuse to not "take care of business" is itself inexcusable!

As John Quincy Adams said, "Duty is ours; results are God's." If we would truly do our duty, who knows what God would do to help us defeat (for the sake of our children and grandchildren) this devilish New World Order?

As for me and my house, we will fight for a free, independent and sovereign United States — so that we might walk, work, and worship in freedom — as long as we have breath in our being. How about you?

Chuck Baldwin
is founder and Pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. In 2008, he was the Constitution Party candidate for President of the United States. He is the author of two books and the host of the hard-hitting radio talk show Chuck Baldwin Live. Dr. Baldwin's columns are used with permission. Visit his website. http://chuckbaldwin.com

“The NWO (New World Order) is the ultimate goal of those who conspire to control the world and ALL else is just a smoke screen, a stepping stone or a diversionary tactic!” Woody Wood